
Houston, Minnesota 

The Best of Bluff Country

Ambulance Director - Christine Cox


To leave a message call 896-4033 Ext. 5


The Houston Ambulance Needs Dedicated Team Members

Greetings Residents/Employers/Employees in the City of Houston and surrounding area;

The Houston Ambulance is in dire need of new members to join our team of EMT’s. We have had members retire and others looking to retire. Without additional EMT’s, the Houston Ambulance will cease to exist as you know it.  Can you imagine our community without this life-saving and vital service?


If you would like to learn more, we would be delighted to meet with you to discuss your questions or have a conversation over the phone, simply contact Director Chris Cox at 507-450-1591, or Michelle Quinn City Clerk/Administrator at 507-896-4033 option 3 or any current crew member you may know to schedule a meeting or discussion.


With your commitment, training expenses are reimbursable, and scholarships may be available.


Without the time of a large team of dedicated members, Houston’s Ambulance will end up like other small ambulance services across the state who have been forced to give up their licenses or who have consolidated with neighboring services. These options will result in ambulance response times which are far greater than what we have with our very own, local service. 


If this is not for you, we understand, however, everyone can share this information and encourage others to consider this opportunity.


Thank you for your consideration, we hope to hear from you.


Ambulance Director - Christine Cox


To leave a message call 896-4033 Ext. 5


Building a Quality Community