
Houston, Minnesota 

The Best of Bluff Country

Drinking Water Treatment Plant Project - Radium Removal

Wapasha Construction was awarded the contract to build the new Water Treatment Plant to filter iron, radium, and manganese from Houston's source water.  The facility is located on South Grant Street. 

Construction began in November 2018 and was completed in summer 2020. 

The total project cost is $3.10 million.  Funding comes in part from a loan and grant from the MN Drinking Water Revolving Fund, a grant from the MN Water Infrastructure Fund, and a grant from the Small Cities Development Program.

The City must set water rates to adequately finance the new loan, operation and maintenance of the water system, and maintain reserves in the Water Utility Fund. In order to accomplish this, the water rates  increased in January 2019. The following rate schedule represents planned increases:

2021 Rate: $14.00*/mo. (no gal. included) + $0.84/100gal

2022 Rate: $14.00*/mo. (no gal. included) + $0.88/100gal

 *For businesses and multi-family housing buildings, the base rate will vary depending on water usage, having a multiplier of residential equivalent.

These amounts are reviewed periodically and may be amended by Council.  





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